Paycare Benevolence
Paycare fully understands...
...."For Thine is the Kingdom"
Your passion is for your community and church members!
Undoubtedly, strong churches & communities build strong families who, in turn, raise strong and productive children! Without question, strong and productive children grow into adult leaders who will build a strong and productive society! This truth aligns seamlessly with Paycare Program's mission to remove finances as an obstacle between any child and their best possible life outcomes.
Paycare Program unapologetically enables these efforts by supporting families, church and community members, churches, and community outreach programs in the following ways:
1] Protect Church Budgets
-by preventing pressure on your budget to meet benevolence requests! Simply inform members about Paycare Program and let us prevent late payments for your members!
2] Solidify Church Pledges
-by pledges made via our portal to your cause, on monthly basis, with the benefit of pledges being continued, up to 90%, to you should members become unable to pay as promised.
3] Grow Church Membership
- by increasing your community visibility and outreach efforts results in membership growth!
4] Increase Church Contributions
- Your community and church members can also enjoy the benefit of 'payment protection' for childcare up to grade 12, auto, medical, college, & housing (rent/mortgage) expenses!
With the security of a financial safety net, members can freely contribute to your ministry!
Paycare Program is proud that we are the only non-profit organization that offers this type of support!
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